NUT, Used for: NUT AND WASHER. Hex. M6x1, M6X1.00. Left, Right, Right or Left, Used for: Right And Left.

Part Number: 06102238AA
Supersession(s): 6102238AA

[3.251 FINAL DRIVE RATIO], [Finned Differential Cooler], [All Vehicles W/O Power Mirrors] OR [All Vehicles W/Power Mirrors], [Rock Rails], [Rock Rails] Or [MOPAR ROCK RAILS], [Rock Rails] OR [MOPAR ROCK RAILS] OR [BRONZE ROCK RAILS], [Rock Rails] OR [MOPAR ROCK RAILS] OR [HD Rock Rails W/ Step Pad], [Rock Rails], Sill Guard To Body, [MOPAR Winch-Capable HD Front Bumper], [MOPAR Winch-Capable HD Front Bumper] Mesh To Bumper, [MOPAR Winch-Capable HD Front Bumper] Winch Plate To Bumper, [Chrome Tubular Side Steps], [Chrome Tubular Side Steps] OR [Side Steps - Tubular, Chrome (Mopar)] OR [MOPAR BLACK TUBULAR SIDE STEPS], [Chrome Tubular Side Steps], Step To Body, [Integrated Liftgate Rear Spoiler], [DO NOT USE-USE POWERTRAIN/BODY MODEL], [DO NOT USE-USE POWERTRAIN/BODY MODEL], [FRONT SUSPENSION PARTS MODULE], [Side Sills Ground Effects], [Side Sills Ground Effects], Sill Guard To Body, Also attach #1, AWD Module Bracket To Body, Pump Attaching, Side Step to Body, Side Step to Body [Chrome Tubular Side Steps], Side Step to Body [Side Sills Ground Effects], Sill Guard to Body, Spoiler To Liftgate.

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$ 10.42
All Discounts: $ 5.68 (35% off)
MSRP: $ 16.10

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